Steam time: 1 hour Prepare Time: 15 mins Ready In: 1hr 30mins
- Masavita
- Seasoning
- Curry
- Meat
- Zogale (Moringa)
- Vegetable oil
- Species
- Attarugu (Hot pepper)
- Salt
Cooking process
- Wash your masavita well, put it on a drainer for few minutes so that the water with drain very well
- In a pot or steamer, put in your drained masavita cover it with a foil paper or something that will cover the top completely for it to steam well to soften it
- After steaming the masavita, add the ingredients oil, salt, seasoning, species, attaruhu, meat, taste it and cover the pot for a second and final steam.
- Serve on a plate.
This will be nice to eat.